It's almost baby time! Can. Not. Wait. Homestretch, people! Barefoot and pregnant bump update photo -->
Missy photobombing my bump shot!
Maternity Leave Plans
I figured I'd wrap this into this pregnancy update since my plans are a LOT less intense and rigid than they were when KJ was born. The last time I took maternity leave, I had a million pre-written posts, and guest posts lined up. I spent almost all weekend of my pregnancy working ahead to make sure there was content for the blog during my self-proclaimed leave. This time, with a toddler to care for, working ahead is pretty much impossible. I'm lucky if I get to my goal of four posts a week here at HH. Usually, it's more like 3-4.
So what's my plan this time around? Due to a few child care changes and COVID-related safety precautions, I have about a third of the time to work as I've had. So, blog posts will likely get sporadic as I'll be prioritizing finishing up meeting with clients who have current packages and teaching my online classes. While I know, it will be a challenge to get through. I'm happy for the extra time with KJ before his little brother makes his appearance.
After the baby gets here? Once my classes are finished up mid to late May, I'll take a month or two break from work (minus sending out meal plans.) But, I don't have any hard and fast rules. I'm still planning to re-work the lab class I teach this semester, blog about post-partum/new baby life, and plan for fall content. I'll have a few clients with current packages I will also meet with occasionally. In other words, I'll give myself the grace to work or rest when needed or wanted. I won't be as strict with the whole "I can't work thing" as I was last time. But, I'm also more aware of how fast the baby stage passes and want to relish every moment. In other words, I plan to "play it by ear" and see how it goes.
Week 32
I ordered a ton of last-minute items this week!
ordered Roomba and Bravan (full review coming soon)
organizer stuff for drawers (for a dresser that won't arrive till the end of April)
infant oil and probiotics
Week 33
This week was rouggghhhhhhhhh. I struggled with some calf/leg cramping that moved to shin splints. I was still super tired and yet wired at times. I couldn't make it through this week fast enough. At the end of this week, I had a doctor's appointment, which was very helpful. When I told him about the rushing feeling I was getting in the afternoon that made me feel shaky and anxious, he mentioned that sometimes pregnancy hormones could mimic thyroid hormones. He suggested I go back to working out to help manage it.
Week 34
Week 35
This week nausea picked up a few more days and felt like the first-trimester status where all I could eat was Gingerale and hard candy all day. Food does not sound good, and my throat constantly feels like it's burning from the acid in it. I started taking tums more regularly to help with acid control.
It's also harder to take a deep breath these days, which is obviously freaky given world events. Is it COVID, or is it pregnancy? Assume it's pregnancy until other symptoms arise has been my motto. But, let any woman tell you who's been pregnant this year, being pregnant in a pandemic is a whole new ball game, especially as you get closer to your due date.
36 Weeks - so far
I had a doctor's appointment Monday, and the baby measured right on track at 36 weeks. I don't plan to get "checked" at every appointment, but since we had to do the GBS swab anyway, I consented to a check. Still closed but starting to thin out. While that doesn't bother me now, I'll be declining checks for 37 and 38 weeks (which my doctor was totally fine with, he said he'd only like to start checking at 39 weeks which I'm fine with) because last time I found the news of no dilation SO DISHEARTENING. I don't want to go through that again. Ignorance is bliss ya know? Just let my body do its thing.
Knowing one way or another sets you up for some expectations that, in reality, are totally unrealistic. It's my understanding you can be dilated for weeks and go into labor way past your due date, or you can be not dilated at all and go into labor that night. There are no rules to mother nature, so I prefer to let her do her thing without me tying any expectations to that. Big thanks to one of my best friends, who made me aware that you can decline checks if you'd like, or at least have a conversation with your doctor about declining them.
I have another appointment at the end of the week (just the way the scheduling worked out). I'm not sure how often I'll do updates after this? I might include them weekly as part of Friday Favorites, just for convenience purposes. We will see!
36 Week Flashback with Baby #1!
Nurses Gifts
One thing I did want to share was that I threw together these little nurses' gifts. I didn't do this when KJ was born but wished I would have, so I'm excited I got around to it this time. It's really nothing big, just some jolly ranchers, tootsie pops, a fig bar, and an RX bar. I found these adorable customizable thank you cards to go in them, printed them, and I was done! The whole thing took less than 10 minutes to throw together.
That's it for now, friends, see you on the gram!
Pregnancy #2 Updates
- 28-31 weeks pregnant
- 24-27 weeks pregnant
- 20-23 weeks pregnant
- Week 14-19 Update
- First Trimester Update
[…] Maternity leave plans and 32-36 weeks pregnancy update […]