Hi, Friends! I'm still enjoying beautiful Vermont, so I'm leaving you with my favorite links this month so far!

[Tweet "The best real #talk, #nutrition, #recipe, #fitness #fitfluential #workout and #blogging links of September so far! via @hungryhobby"]
- Body builders and figure competitors look great when they are on stage, but have you ever wondered what they go through off the stage? My friend Kristine has a great blog where she shares the real truth behind the sport she rocks at and loves. Where do I begin.
Health/Nutrition & Recipes
- Diagnosed with High Triglycerides? Why Fish and Supplements Need To Be A Part Of Your Diet.
- Wonder what Spirulina is? Check out this Spirulina Chia Pudding via the Organic Dietitian
- A full month of healthy toddler meal ideas via The Lean Green Bean
- A full month of healthy toddler meal ideas- a solution to any problem!
- The A full month of healthy toddler meal ideas —> this is why I put up with football.
- A full month of healthy toddler meal ideas via Fitfluential
- Over 227+ Bodyweight exercises. You literally never have an excuse to miss another workout! Thanks Jason for sending this to me! Calisthenics Exercises: The Complete List
- Is it overtraining or under recovery? via Your Trainer Paige
- Female Phase Training- Super Interesting Concept - Has anyone tried it?
Healthy Kitchen Hacks - prepare to be amazed!
Dear Healthy Living Blogger Remember Why You Started - It’s true, some days my to-do list is literally longer than physically possible in the day. I get caught up in the numbers and forget about my message.
7 Outrageous Requests Of A Food Blogger - Sadly I fell for some of these when I started, then I realized I couldn’t pay my mortgage on free samples of bread.
The Rise of the Social Media Influencer. Interesting, seems like social media would be a lot less work than blogging.
You have to do it to learn it. via Co-Schedule
Use the #drinkgooddogood on social media!! "Every time the #DrinkGoodDoGood hashtag is used on social media along with a fruit and veggie selfie, Naked Juice will donate 10 pounds of produce to communities in need. And to kick things off, they’re donating a 250,000-pound contribution."
Susie @ SuzLyfe says
Psst--some of your links are messed up--the title is repeating as the same thing, even though the links are correct!
The idea of over training vs under recovery is, in my mind, splitting hairs. Either way, it is improper training, and the balance is of!