In every blog survey, the request is for more "day in the life" posts, and I LOVE doing them, I just forget to schedule them in, or I forget to take the photos during the day. Hungry Hobby started as personal daily health and fitness blog and morphed into a nutrition and recipe blog over time, and as social media made it easier for sharing day-to-day life.
I still love to get back to my roots and share these kinds of posts, though, and I'll continue to schedule them in as long as you guys tell me you want to see them! So here we go!
Every day starts at 4-5 am. I like to get a couple of hours of work done before the baby gets up. I'd much rather get up this early than have to work late at night. After the baby goes to bed, I don't want to see my laptop. I just want to unwind and relax, so the trade-off I make is getting up super early!
I sip ice coffee and work until around 6 am when KJ wakes up. I quickly get dressed and get him ready to go out on a walk. Lately, I've been giving him cereal and milk to take in his stroller, but unfortunately, he hasn't been eating very much of it recently, so I'll have to figure out something else to take with us or feed him first. I am just trying to beat the heat and get our day started efficiently!
The last week or so, I've had Thrive Market rice cakes for breakfast #1 with Trader Joe's crunchy salted PB and banana or a bit of low sugar jam from Costco.
It does the trick pre-workout for an easy breakfast. So far this week, I've done one heavy strength workout on Monday, and a short Aaptiv Run followed by a 10-minute incline walk on Tuesday.
Post-workout I typically have a protein shake and a banana (recycled photo.)
KJ has loved my oat flour pumpkin bread made into muffins (bake for 15 minutes) as a mid-morning snack. The mornings are full of a little bit of water table fun and exhausting inside activities like puzzles, porcupine, Duplo legos, bowling set, and reading. He goes down for a nap around 12 ish, and then it's work blitz time!
This week Mr. Hungry and I meal prepped my chop-chop salad using a Primal Kitchen lemon turmeric marinade for the chicken. It was so good! We ate it with a side of Trader Joe's canned dolmas.
He usually sleeps two hours, but in the last couple of days, he's been sleeping three full hours, which is glorious. I've been snacking on these little raisin boxes SunMaid sent me as the perfect afternoon sweet snack before he wakes up!
His worst meal of the day is always after his afternoon nap. We've been doing a smoothie, and that works because he can run around outside and drink it slowly over 30 minutes or so. We spend 99.9% of the afternoon outside, but yesterday I ran a quick errand first to pick up our prescriptions (my asthma has flared up, so I've been doing a round of singular and Advair. Luckily, it's helping!).
After we got back, we headed outside for the afternoon. He LOVES the water table he got from Grandma and Grandpa this year!
What happens when you won't let your Mom finish rubbing in the sunscreen on your face.
Depending on how hot it is outside, Nala will join us too!
Obviously can't take pictures of us in the pool, but we spend somewhere between 30-90 minutes in the pool every day. KJ is a little fish, which is both fun and terrifying.
I taught level one swim lessons for years, so I'm comfortable getting him started, but would love to enroll him in swim lessons sooner than later. I also wanted to do ISR, but, you know, corona life throws a wrench in all aspects of life.
After we come in and get dried off it's usually about 20-30 minutes before dinnertime, so that's when we watch a little evening TV, KJ is really into Little Baby Bum (a show we started watching on YouTube because my nephew watches it.)
Typically I'll finish up checking emails or other minor tasks while we sit and watch. He likes me to sit with him, so usually I do that, but yesterday I made dinner because that's what I needed to do. He protested a little at first, but then, eventually, decided some TV time was better than NO TV time with or without me.
KJ's dinner was baby meatloaf, cut up Trader Joe's dolma, and hummus. He ate the meatloaf only but did try the dolma. He used to love hummus, now he hates it, typical toddler stuff. Usually, I'd just be like, "whatever that's cool," you can eat more tomorrow. However, I think his tummy was bothering him (had three loose stools and was generally fussy most of the day), so I gave him some applesauce to help bind things up.
After a rough bath and bedtime routine, I reheated my dinner and poured myself a glass of wine for my happy hour with a friend. Dinner was an old recipe from my blogger friend Tina, although I make it a bit different than her. It's a 3-ingredient dinner of laughing cow cheese wedge, sausage, and shaved Brussel sprouts.
While she throws everything together in the pan, I make a double batch, so instead, I bake my sausage and cook my Brussels on the stove. I usually bake two types of sausages because I like spicy, and Mr. Hungry doesn't. I also add caraway seeds to help with the digestion of so many Brussel sprouts!
That's it! That's our typical summer day so far! Are you excited for summer? What have you been doing to stay entertained without going anywhere?
Laura says
Love day in the life posts! Very fun to read, Thanks for posting!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thanks! I'll keep them coming then!
Alvin Campbell says
This was a great article i really learned alot and enjoyed reading it.