Hi, friends! Today I've got another day in the lifestyle post for you. You guys always seem to love these types of posts, and it's fun for me to record what life is like right now, aka a little cray-cray. I'm currently teaching four days a week. I have two long days where I teach a lecture and a lab, and two shorter days where I teach just the lecture. I recorded this yesterday on one of the longer days.
5:15 AM: After snoozing my alarm three times, I decided to suck it up, get out of bed, and go work out. I get up, get changed, and make a cup of coffee. God, I love coffee. I think it's mostly mental, but that first sip of coffee makes me think I can do anything.
5:30 AM: Complete Third Times A Charm Aaptiv Workout. An upper body focused routine that ended with EMOM monster makers. It was a good one! I usually run in the morning, but ever since I went on my first stroller run last week, my pelvis has felt like I quite literally just gave birth.
TMI? Probably is TMI, but I don't think we talk about post-baby body changes enough. Women are expected to "bounce back to normal." Ya, right.
My guess is my core just wasn't strong enough for 3 miles pushing the baby in the stroller, probably should have started a little slower on that. I'm feeling better but taking it easy on the running this week just in case.
6:10 AM: Head to the nursery to get Little Man up for the day. He nurses and then we head out to the kitchen for breakfast. I have a post-workout banana and orgain protein shake.
Little Man has baby muffins (slightly altered to use one real egg instead of two flax eggs, pumpkin instead of applesauce) with peanut butter on them.
7:15 AM Little man was in quite the mood, so no stroller picture of our walk with Nala after breakfast. I had to give him his binky to take with us (he's been doing well without binkies out of naps for the last few days).
He's tired from being woken up by those darn teeth so many times last night, so I gave him the binky animal. Although we are trying to reduce his dependency on the binky, I'm not worrying about it too much, just trying to keep it mostly to naps unless he doesn't feel good.
8:00 AM We arrive home, and my MIL arrives so I can get ready. We chat for a little while before I jump in the shower.
8:35 AM I'm ready for the day, and I head out to make a smoothie (from Smoothie Box- click here to read my full review) to drink on the way to class.
PS This red polka dot shirt is easily my favorite "teaching shirt." Like pretty much everything in my closet, it came from Stitch Fix. I've been averaging about one win per month in each box, which I like.
Although I don't get the "buy five" discount, it's nice to have one new thing to wear a month without spending a fortune. (Here is my link for $25 credit if you want to try Stitch Fix.)
PS I also frequent the side pony look. It takes approximately point five seconds to do my hair, and I love the way it looks when my hair was previously curled.
9:00 AM I head out the door and am on the commute to class. I'm thankful that Tuesdays are an easy shorter commute because I can leave a little later. I listen to the Theory of Content of my drive and drink my smoothie.
(PS the deal of the month on these smoothies is five free berry smoothies, which you can combine with my $20 off partner offer if you use this link. )
I also spilled iced coffee (which I brought to drink in the afternoon) all over the seat of my car, so I had to run in and get towels. So that was fun.
9:35 AM Arrive and park at school. There are two employee parking lots. One is a lot closer than the other. I usually end up in the farther one on Tuesdays and Thursdays because of the time I arrive. I walk to our building, use the restroom, and head to the classroom.
9:45 AM Arrive at the classroom and get things set up for class.
10-11:15 AM Teach class. (This is a lecture on introductory nutrition.)
11:15 AM Quickly eat an RX bar. I'm not that hungry, but I know it will be at 2:30 PM when I'm done with my next class (a 3 hours lab.) So, I eat.
11:30 AM This lab is about carbohydrates and diabetes. The lab starts with students learning to do a finger prick to check fasting blood glucose and their A1c levels. Then they drink a sugary beverage (grape juice) and test again in 1-2 hours. In between, they work on discussion questions, and I lecture on the topic.
2:20 PM Lab is over. I've already cleaned up while the students were finishing their discussion questions, so I head to the car. Once I get in the car, I eat an RX Nut Butter packet because I'm hangry.
(I guess it's just an RX kind of day!)
3:00 PM Arrive home. I'm exhausted. I felt like I was falling asleep several times on the way home. My MIL says Little Man went down at 2:40 PM, and since he usually sleeps an hour, I decide to lay down.
(PS I was tired because Little Man was up teething and I got less sleep the night before. For those of you jumping to conclusions, I'm not prego.)
3:25 PM Wake up. (I LOVE power naps, I'm the queen of power naps. Mr. Hungry always feels worse if he naps, but not me. I think power naps are my secret weapon.) Once I wake up, I head to the kitchen and eat a crapload of carrots and hummus straight out of the containers. I also had a small handful of plantain chips.
3:40 PM Right on cue, little man is up and ready to see his Mama! We nurse and then play for about an hour before his dinner.
4:30 PM Little Man eats dinner of a baby muffin tin meatloaf, which I added zucchini shreds too because I like to walk on the wild side. Do you know what happens when your kid refuses to eat something you made? Well, they don't eat it. End of story.
He ALMOST rejected the muffins with zucchini shreds in them, but mercifully let it slide this time. He also ate some strawberries and a veggie medley. PS for those of you that remember him hating his strawberries, he seems to do better with them now!
5:00 PM Mr. Hungry gets home, Little Man and I play while Mr. Hungry gets settled.
5:15 PM I start making my oven-fried chicken tenders and roasted broccoli for dinner.
6:00 PM Mr. Hungry takes Little Man in for a bath while I clean up.
6:15 PM I nurse K one last time and read to him while his bottle heats up.
6:30 PM I eat dinner and watch one episode of Grey's Anatomy. I felt like I needed a mental break.
7:30 PM Begin working (check email, respond to clients, grade papers, etc.)
8:30 PM Start this post.
9:45 PM Head to bed because I'm falling asleep trying to write this post.
10:00 PM Lights out!
Julie says
Such a cool lab experience for your students! Have any of your students ever had abnormal results and were diagnosed with diabetes as a result?
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Yes, I have had students who have abnormal results who are advised to see a doctor. I tell my students this is a screening tool, not diagnostic, so they need to see a doctor for a diagnosis. I've never had a student follow-up with me and say, "I went to see my doctor and they say I have diabetes." But, my guess is that it has happened and they just didn't tell me, based on some of the results I've seen, especially with some of my older students. It is a really fun lab to teach though!