Hi friends! What do you have planned this weekend? I think Mr. Hungry is nesting, does that happen, do guys nest when they have a baby on the way? He has a spring cleaning list going and for once I'm 100% game to jump in and help him. It's like his dream come true, it should be a fun weekend!
Two things that are a MUST this weekend: nursing bras and car seat install. Sh*!'s getting real people.
But first, a bunch of you asked if I could film the How to Fight Your Sugar Cravings Presentation and we did! Petersen Carling Physical Therapy filmed it as a Facebook live, the quality isn't amazing but you still get to see preggers present! You can watch below or click here!
Bed--> Bathroom--> Bed--> Bathroom--> Bed--> Desk--> Bathroom--> Desk--> Bathroom--> Desk--> Bathroom--> Desk--> Bathroom--> Desk--> Bathroom-->Bed--> Bathroom--> Bed--> Bathroom--> Bed--> and repeat
No really, I forgot to talk to my doctor about modified bed rest, but I plan to start walking next week!
As I mentioned in my 34-week update, except for the three days of nausea hell I'm doing good with most food! That means we are eating out less because I can actually deal with making food at home and eating it. I only ate out at Chipotle this week. I swear this baby is at least 50% chipotle!
And yesterday I got a really good breakfast sandwich while getting my hair done! It's like after my nausea went away my body got REALLY hungry to make up for all the lost calories. Baby needs to eat! ha ha
Lot's of stuff from around the interweb this week:
Friday Flashbacks
Andy Bishop says
Your pumpkin french toast looks amazing! I can't wait to make it for breakfast tom!