5:00am- wake up without alarm
5:13am- get up out of bed because I hear the puppy whining, start getting my stuff together for the day I need workout cloths, gym cloths, and work cloths
5:27am- I text my appointment back, they cancel. While cancellations suck, at least I know I'll have time to run and strength train now.
6:03am make coffee, eat sun butter banana quesadilla
6:07am out the door driving to work
6:35am arrive at work, I sit in my car and listen to music and plan my workout
6:40am go inside, put my gym bag in locker room and back pack in my office
6:50am I start press ups and glute bridges
7:30am finish treadmill run, 2.75 miles done
time to strength train I did 3 rounds of the following-->
- Push Ups x 10
- Single Leg Deadlift row and throw x 10 e/leg
- Side Plank with Rotation x 10 e/ side
- Tricep Overhead Extensions x 16
8:03am foam roll
8:15am head downstairs to shower and get ready, I forgot my brush so my hair is going up!
8:47am get breakfast, chocolate protein shake with peanut butter- was kind of gross but I drank most of it anyways
9:00am go get jerky from cafe and snack on it all morning, answer emails, run weekly reports
10:13am nutrition coaching client
11:20am ucan scoop with aminos plus eat the rest of the jerky
12:03pm Food Sensitivity Review with client on East Coast
12:50pm recap, revise and resend her report
1:00pm Team clean, cleaned my section in the gym for 20 minutes
1:25pm Team leadership meeting
2:00pm worked on presentation for team meeting on Wednesday including Black Friday deals. Normally I would be starving and head out for some food but I guess the jerky really filled me up!
3:02pm head downstairs to locker room to change into business
3:33pm I'm off to chipotle! I stop there to get food before heading on to the community college
4:03pm arrive at the community college, look at my notes for the day again and relax in the car
4:10pm head to the classroom and call security to open it, it's cold and windy but I open my salad anyways because I don't know how long it will take for security to get there
4:43pm security lets us in after me calling twice, our lab was fun we brought different supplements to see if they would break down in vinegar
6:37pm class is ended, sometimes we stay the full time and sometimes not
7:05pm I'm home but exhausted, I start making food for Wednesday (today) and cleaning up a bit, I ate two pieces of candy and that's the end of the halloween candy!
7:40pm I drink tea and watch Once Upon A Time
9:30pm I try to go to bed and can't fall asleep, I get up and decide to work on a few projects, if you can't sleep you might as well be productive right?
10:55pm Mr. Hungry gets home from basketball, we chat while he ices his feet and I head upstairs to try and sleep again. Normally I'm in bed by like 8:30 on a Tuesday and I'm a really good sleeper, I almost never have trouble sleeping at all. Oh well, I eventually fell asleep and woke up at 5 per usual, thank fully I was able to go back to sleep though till 6am.
[…] thinking about how much more patience and compassion I have for people in the service industry now having worked in it myself as a personal trainer and Dietitian. I know how hard it is to put on a good show 24/7 no matter […]