Time for another DIL post! I've been trying to squeeze a few of these in since you guys always request them on the annual feedback surveys and since I did so many when I was pregnant with KJ. This was yesterday, it's not very exciting but it's real-life 8 months pregnant! ha ha
600 AM: I wake up to Mr. Hungry's alarm, get up, go pee and go back to bed. I'm usually an early riser 90% of my life, but in pregnancy, I might as well be worthless before 30 AM, or in reality, closer to 7 AM.
6:30 AM I wake up to my alarm, shut it off, and dose for another 15 minutes or so.
645 AM Out to the kitchen to make coffee, put clothes on, and makeup. PS is still drinking no more than 4 ounces of regular coffee and the rest decaf, lest I spiral into raging anxiety.
715 AM Get KJ out of his room who is happily playing with his stuffed animals. Go through the morning routine, potty, brush teeth, get dressed.
730 AM Get breakfast - freezer steel-cut oats for me with bananas, dried cherries, and salted peanut butter. Toast and blueberries for KJ.
(Forgot to snap a picture, so using an old photo since it's the same breakfast!)
8 AM Sitter gets here - I check messages, email, blog stats, youtube comments, etc
830 AM Meet with a nutrition counseling client.
915AM Go back to checking email and attempting to answer canvas messages. The Maricopa Community College system has had some technical issues that caused them to extend spring break for another week. I can only answer my student's messages on the app on my phone at this time. It's crazy frustrating. I hope they get it resolved soon!
10 AM Start editing a video for my one-pan cauliflower gnocchi and sausage recipe. I even get it uploaded to the post! woot woot! (see below) At some point, I also ate an RX bar around this time.
1130AM The sitter leaves after giving KJ lunch (he ate none of the asparagus, 3x the chicken, and the frosting off the cake), so I get KJ down for a nap.
12 PM My mom shows up, we share a piece of carrot cake (recipe coming soon, it's freaking amazing.) Well, technically, she had a real slice, and I ate a leftover piece of KJs since I had plenty in the last couple of days!
1230PM Take Nala on Walk- a walk with Nala that used to take 30-40 minutes now takes closer to an hour cause I'm so slllllloooooowwwwww. #33weekspregnant. I'm happy I got some new shoes because my old ones (see below) had seen better days! They were a year old, which is about how often I replace my athletic shoes, BUT I think the extra weight of pregnancy accelerated the issue for sure!
I always get Brooks Glycerin's and use the orthotics I got from Dr. K and Trimotus. I know they are discontinuing the Brooks Glycerin soon, and part of me wants to buy 10 pairs to set me up for the next 10 years, but the rational part of me says that's ridiculous.
130PM-215PM talk with my Mom and eat lunch. I ate a DH bowl with frozen steam in the bag edamame.
I almost forgot to take a picture until I was almost done eating, so FYI, there was more than this!
230PM Back at my computer, start typing up this post, I realize I'm still hungry, so I grab a handful of prunes and my supplements. I fill up my water and add ¼ cup of cranberry juice to it! This helps me drink more water, plus pregnant women are more susceptible to UTIs, so it's a win-win all the way around!
3 PM Back to editing video. Time to make the versions sized and formatted for social media like IG, FB, and Pinterest. I also finish off a small handful of Late July Bacon Haberno chips (mainly crumbs) from our latest Thrive Market order.
330PM I start to feel a little anxious, so I decided to do today's hypnobirthing practice (about 15 minutes.) And then went back to editing and uploading the new video to different platforms.
4:30 PM Head out to the kitchen to start dinner while my mom is still there (she stays till about 5 PM.) KJ gets TV time every day from 5 until dinner is ready. My stomach starts growling, so I eat a ton of Triscuits and cheese while cooking dinner.
5:45 PM We eat dinner. It was a simple meal of precooked brown rice/quinoa packets (Seeds of Change brand from Costco), lemon butter salmon, and roasted cauliflower seasoned with salt, pepper, and turmeric. I ran out of adult plates, so I ate off of one of KJs stainless steel plates.
KJ had the same meal but only ate the rice and drank his milk.
6:15 PM KJ says he needs to "potty" specifically he says "POOOOOOOOOO," so I take him to the bathroom and settle in for 15-20 minutes of reading.
6:40 PM Mr. Hungry handles the rest of bedtime while I clean up the kitchen and then shower.
7:20 PM Head in to finish up bedtime with KJ.
7:30 PM Mr. Hungry and I start making travel arrangements for a trip this summer. What? Like a vacation out of the state? We haven't been inside a restaurant in over a year, much less out of the state. (We did go up to Sedona a few months ago.) I eat two TJ's Dark Chocolate PB cups while we search for air bnbs (always an adventure.)
9:40 PM We finally finish up our travel plans and finish booking. I get washed up for bed.
10:15 PM Lights out!
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