I've been behind on recording a Day In The Life post for the past month, but I got my act together and recorded last Friday! I was technically 35 weeks +6 days, so almost nine months! Also, Fridays are kind of a weird day to record on; I'm a bit laxer and a little less prepared with my food choices. (Even more so than usual, which has been a trend this pregnancy.) So, here it goes!
When Mr. Hungry got home from playing basketball in the morning, I got up and got dressed so we could take Nala on a short walk. This was my first walk since getting put on modified bed rest almost six weeks ago! I ate a banana before we went.
When we got home, I was pretty hungry but also needed to get started working, so I drank a protein shake mixed with iced coffee.
Then I worked at the computer for a bit before deciding I needed more breakfast than a banana and protein shake. So, I went for a Vans Gluten Free waffle with butter, I wanted it with jam, but I couldn't find the jam, so I settled for Kerrygold butter.
After slamming a waffle, I decided it was time to photograph these delicious cashew cookie dough bites that have been sitting in my fridge begging me to eat them! (recipe coming later this week!)
And of course, I ate 1 or 2 while I was photographing them. Photographing recipes is significantly harder nowadays. I bump into everything with my bump, reaching over the table to change the set up is awkward, and my SI joint gets mad. It's a total shitshow, so I'm cutting the sessions way shorter and working with fewer photos.
I'm seriously so thankful that I decided to start shooting recipes ahead of time for October. Given my due date isn't until the end of October I thought maybe I was insane for doing that. It turns out that I wasn't, photography is way hard with a giant medicine ball strapped too you.
Anyways, after I was done photographing I met with a Hungry Hobby RD client. I'm closing out my last few clients and not taking any new nutrition one on one clients until the New Year. I'll miss working with my clients but I know I'll be preoccupied with baby and time will fly by! (My Maternity Leave Plans)
After I met with my client, I headed to Costco. You could say this was a bit of a "stocking up trip" pre-baby. I got 2 bags of dog food, all the household essentials (paper towels, toilet paper, etc.) and some frozen food. Then Mr. Hungry talked me into bringing him home pizza for lunch, so then I had to join in of course! I had mine with a huge handful of baby carrots! #balance
The rest of the afternoon was spent prebuilding WTE? Meal Plans for my subscribers, checking email and finishing up other little blog tasks. At some point, I ate a bowl of frosted shredded mini wheat for a quick snack.
It's weird, at some points during this pregnancy, especially from weeks 24 on I've entered times of EXTREME productivity. Like I'm laser-focused and super into my task, and nothing can stop me. I had one of those sessions Friday afternoon, and it was GREAT!
Eventually, we did stop for dinner. Leftovers, grilled steak from Butcher Box, Seeds of Change Brown Rice with chia and kale, and a pre-made Thai basil salad mix from Target. (PS the last day to get your free ground beef is 9/30!)
*** The rest of this post is sponsored by So Delicious, as always all opinions and thoughts are my own.****
Dinner was probably around 6-7 pm, then we settled down to watch a movie. We watched I Kill Giants which honestly I wasn't a fan of. I pulled my computer out half way through and worked on Mondays pancake roundup because it was so depressing. I was also craving something sweet when I remembered that So Delicious sent us samples of their Dairy Free Mousse to try out!
You guys, these ice cream flavors are SO DELICIOUS, pun intended. They are smooth, creamy, and taste like little bites of sweet heaven. I tried the salted caramel, and Mr. Hungry opted for the mango. They are a mousse, so they are little lighter than ice cream but still pillowy, creamy delicious.
And guess what?!?! Every single flavor has 330 or fewer calories in the whole pint! As you guys know, I'm cool with dairy, but Mr. Hungry prefers to avoid it. So I loved that we could both enjoy it and feel good about having a treat! Mr. hungry ate half of the mango carton and half of the peanut butter carton.
I only ate about ¼ of the salted caramel and a couple bites of mango, but I totally could have happily ate the whole carton! MMMMMMMMMM It was so good, I can't wait to try the other flavors out!
(Note for pregnant/nursing mamas out there, chicory root fiber which is a nutritious cousin of the dandelion plant is often cited to have adverse effects in pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Since there is zero reputable research to back up this old wise tale I just limit my intake of it, at least during pregnancy. I'll probably be less concerned about it in breastfeeding, but that's just me! As it turns out, I'm kind of a paranoid pregnant eater.)
After our treats and that depressing movie we climbed into bed around 9 pm, I know, it was a wild Friday night, right? I usually read my pregnancy apps or What To Expect book before falling asleep, but I'm pretty sure I went right to sleep on Friday I was exhausted! Seems to be the trend nowadays!
That's it! Be back tomorrow with an official preggo update! 36 Weeks, what?!?!?!?
Medit says
Thanks! How should I pack my hospital bag?
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
this is what i packed in mine https://hungryhobby.net/hospital-bag/