I did SO many DIL posts when I was pregnant with KJ, and I've done like none this time around. Then again, I was blogging 6 days a week and prewriting posts for maternity leave then. Now I'm super lucky to hit my goal of three to four posts up a week, and there will be no prewriting anything for maternity leave. So, ya know. Life! That being said, I still wanted to record at least one day of randomness!
For fun, here is a DIL post from when I was 22 Weeks Pregnant with KJ! That post reminded me how much differently I've been eating the last few weeks since I had to have mouth surgery AGAIN. It seems to be healing better this time, though, so hopefully, the soft foods and constant saline rinses work! (More on that in the next pregnancy update, but if you are confused as to what I'm talking about --> my last pregnancy update explains this fun pregnancy complication.)
PS I posted a reel of these eats -->
And nooooowwwwww, we can get started!
I woke up kind of late (around 7:15 AM), so I started the day with a cup of coffee with 1 scoop collagen and half and half, then got KJ from his room. I cleaned up the kitchen, put dishes away, getting ready for the day, etc. No, I don't always clean my whole kitchen at night, especially if the dishwasher needs to run.
I finally ate breakfast closer to 9 AM, which consisted of some Bob's Red Mill Muesli with peanut butter, banana, and tart cherries. I forgot how much I love muesli (favorite brands are Seven Sundays and Bob's Red Mill.)
Then, I headed off to my doctor's appointment (25 minutes each way, plus wait time, and the appointment takes 2.5-3 hours), which thankfully went well! Just a quick check-in with the PA, plus I was scheduled for the third-trimester blood work!
(Super comfy maternity sweatshirt and Beyond Yoga leggings I wear basically all the time.)
When I got home (KJ was with my Aunt this morning), I made KJ a quesadilla for lunch and myself a mini quesadilla for a pre-workout snack.
Then after I got KJ down, I did some email checking, etc. Before I went to workout, I got a little hungry again, so I had half of a banana.
Then it was workout time! Let's say I was feeling super motivated after seeing the holiday pregnancy pounds add up (more on that in my pregnancy update next week.) It was good, I've been feeling not motivated AT ALL to workout or move my body, so I actually really appreciated the motivation.
It felt good to be motivated, filled with energy, and have a great workout. I want to be careful how that's interpreted, though. It's not like I'm trying to lose weight (not a good idea in pregnancy) or restrict myself in any way (I do not do well with restriction.) More just being conscious of moving my body every day AND mindful of the number of treats I shove into my piehole, which was multiple times a day over the holidays. Again, more on that next week.
I did week 22/23 full body set from the Expecting and Empowered Second Trimester Guide (@expectingandempowered on insta) with 5-minute incline walking in between each set. (Remember, you can get 10 bucks off any of their guides with the code HUNGRYHOBBY10.)
Post-workout I opted for a Smoothiebox Cacao smoothie with vanilla greek yogurt and almond milk.
Finally, it was time to get some work done for the day! I sat down at my computer and did a 3-hour work blitz (at this point, my Mom was here to take care of KJ post-nap)! I met with my department head to discuss a few things for the nutrition lecture we're teaching this upcoming semester. We each have different sections, but we usually work together pretty closely. This semester, super closely in case she has to take over early if the baby comes early (I'm not holding my breath for the one after KJ was induced at 41 weeks.)
Then I worked on getting up my Honey Dijon Cedar Plank Salmon recipe post. I grabbed some prunes at about 445PM before I jumped on another meeting with the Nutrition Entrepreneurs exec board. I try to eat 4-5 prunes a day because they are great for bone health and staying regular (both super important in pregnancy!)
I finished my meeting around 6 PM, but since Mr. Hungry got pulled into a late meeting, I had to do the video off, muted the mic, and start dinner while listening to the meeting zoom thing. (My mom was here helping still, but I was super low on food and had to look to see what was available for dinner for KJ. I came up with leftover quesadilla, leftover seeds of change rice, and some fruit leather, in case you were wondering. Definitely a bit of a hodgepodge. )
After my call, I had some leftover Queso Chili from this months Eating Well Magazine. All I did to modify was add an extra can of pinto beans and make some tortilla strips in the air fryer to go with it (I will share how to do that soon). By far, my favorite recipes I've made (that wasn't one of mine, lol) in a long, long, long time. It's a keeper!
Then it was a bathtime/bedtime routine, and after KJ went down, I ended up eating a cheese stick before bed. Mr. Hungry and I spent about an hour looking in offer up for a changing table/dresser for Baby #2's room. Then it was off to bed! I had a bit of pregnancy insomnia, so although I usually fall right asleep, it took me a long time to fall asleep, and I woke up mind racing at 5 AM the next morning. Pregnancy insomnia is always such a weird phenomenon to me because it's like all of a sudden you can't sleep, but then it passes in a couple of days. Hoping it doesn't repeat itself tonight!
That's it, friends! Not the most exciting day in the world, but thanks for following along and stopping by today!
[…] DIL – 23 Weeks Pregnant (Baby #2) […]