Hi, friends! Since its Fall I thought it would be nice to check in with a coffee date. If we were having coffee we might actually be able to sit on a patio somewhere. This is literally the nicest time to be an Arizonian, it gets a little hot in the afternoon but the morning is dreamy around the 60s to 70s. Maybe we would grab a coffee and go for a walk with Nala bear.
How are things going? What are you most excited for this fall/winter? What's on your fall bucket list?
I feel like I've been waiting so long, well actually all year for all the things going on this fall, I'm so excited it's finally here! A few things I'm looking forward to this fall:
- Jenna's Baby Shower
- Alyssa's Bridal Shower
- Kelsey's Bachelorette Party
- Food and Nutrition Conference
- Megan's Birthday
- Alyssa's Wedding
- Our Anniversary
- Thanksgiving
Needless to say, it's going to be busy and fun fall. A friend texted me the other day to ask if we wanted to go to a taco festival which I'm always down for and I literally said I'm busy every weekend until after Thanksgiving. #toopopular LOL THAT NEVER HAPPENS TO ME! Usually, weekends are spent working out, checking out new restaurants and watching movies. Lately, it's been traveling or house stuff, it's been super busy to say the least!
(last years photo because its till to hot for even pants, but it is cooling down)
It seems right when life starts to settle down it just picks right back up. We went from a house to a 30-day temporary apartment, to finally moving into our house. Right, when things started to settle down we started some renovations. Nothing big, we had the common areas painted, ceilings redone, and some electrical work was done. For the gym we had a large mirror hung accross one of the small walls and bought an airdyne bike off of craigslist. PS You guys should have seen my moms face when she saw that we turned our den into a home gym. She doesn't get it AT ALL, which I think is hilarious. I have yet to use the airdyne but Mr. Hungry loves it. We are also building in a bar/serving area in the dining room but the cabinets are still on order. I'm ready to stop dealing with random people walking around tearing up my home and making a ton of noise. Ya know? Don't worry I'll be sharing the before and after of a lot of this stuff as the different rooms finish!
So other than that things are pretty calm. Oh, wait! Not! The good thing is I totally thrive on activity, as long as I'm getting good sleep then I love all the hustle and bustle. Since I started limiting my caffeine after 12 pm, that's been going a lot better. I've always been so thankful I've been a great sleeper most of my life so lately when I started having trouble falling asleep I started pulling back on my caffeine and that did the trick.
The nice thing is my mornings and my nights are for me. In the morning I do some form of gratitude journaling. Mondays I use the 52 lists of happiness book I got, Tuesdays I do a traditional gratitude journal, Wednesdays I write down all the areas where I was successful the past day or week, Thursdays I make a gratitude list of all my income sources, and on Friday I make a list of all the reasons I'm excited for the weekend. I also usually write down my goals and practice saying my affirmations in the morning and sometimes at night. At night, I still try my best to practice the most important 45 minutes routine, but I've added something so incredibly important to me. I've added journaling right before bed. I used to write "in a diary" almost my entire childhood and even in college. I almost feel like it's a part of me I've been missing for so long. Unlike when I was a kid though, my entries aren't long and drawn out. I start them with "today I want to remember" and then put down the most significant things that I could remember. Something nice Mr. Hungry said, something funny the animals did, something I accomplished, something a student or client said, etc.
What do you have planned this fall? What are your favorite ways to start and end your day?
Patricia @Sweet and Strong says
Wow you have a crazy busy Fall! I just have celebrating my hubby's birthday in October and then family visiting us for Thanksgiving in November. But I feel ya, I'll have nothing for many weekends, then things will start popping up like crazy.
Emily @ Pizza & Pull-ups says
I love the idea of a "today I want to remember" style journal entry. Looks like you will have a busy, but fun fall!
Sarah @ Bucket List Tummy says
Dang girl you'll be busy, lots of traveling I'm sure! But fun events! I love that you have a home gym - dream goals!
Patrick@looneyforfood.com says
busy busy bee! Isn't having a home gym the best? i save so much time this way.
Susie @ Suzlyfe says
SO busy, but so field with great things! I would love to have a home gym, or at least a personal treadmill. So that then I didn't have to use the treadmill upstairs (which I hate) and also, hello, convenient bathrooms.
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says