Hey Friends! Man this week has been busy busy busy, I can not wait till Friday! I'm making it my mission to get a massage, get my hair done and study. Then it's date night, so I can not wait for Friday... but in the mean time... I started this morning low key with my favorite breakfast in the world (right now anyway) Egg White Pancake with Coconut Peanut Butter.
What's on the plan for the rest of the week? Well I've been taking workouts super easy on the cardio end and doing some corrective training workouts given to me by my friend and trainer at the gym. Here is what I'm thinking for the rest of this week:
Sunday- Walk 10 Minutes Incline, Workout 2 (back extensions, unilateral kb swings, peterson step ups, eisenhower raises)
Monday- Upper Body Soft Tissue Mobilization (aka work the knots out of my neck, ever had someone work on your jaw muscles? Holy going to pass out...)/ OFF
Tuesday- OFF
Wednesday- 10 Minutes Warm Up Walking Incline, Workout 1 (weighted quad squats, good mornings, split squats), upper body (bicep curls, push ups, lateral raises)
Thursday- Walk 20 Minutes Incline, Workout 2 (back extensions, unilateral kb swings, peterson step ups, eisenhower raises), upper body (plank workout)
Friday- Long Walk Outside, upper body (tricep extensions, tricep dips, reverse flys), core work
Saturday- 10 Minute Warm Up Walking Incline, workout 1, upper body (pull up progression, bicep curls, lateral raises)
Not exactly balls to the wall like I would like, but writing it down I think will help me from wandering around the gym and stay focused! Still taking the celebrex which is helping a lot, scheduled for a cortisone shot on Monday dun dun dun. I'm scared and looking forward to it. Hope you have a good one!
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