You guys seem to like these days in the lifestyle posts because you ALWAYS request them on the surveys! I’m going to try and do them a little more often, at least every other week because you like them and it’s a fun way to record life with a little one. So here goes another one!
530 AM my alarm goes off the first thing I do is check the monitor, baby K is wiggling around, but I think he is asleep. I get up and get ready for the day.
6:05 AM he’s up! Time to nurse and get prepared to go on our walk!
6:40-7:25 AM we head out on our walk. I love days like this when it’s overcast out, the downside is it’s a bit muggy, but I love monsoon season anyway!
7:30 AM I make a smoothie for me (I’ve been rotating between the smoothie packs I posted yesterday and the ones from SmoothieBox) and cut up some muffins for Little Man.
(reused photos)
8 AM We finish up breakfast and play on the ground of the living room for about an hour.
9 AM Read books and nurse.
9:15 AM Little Man is asleep, so I head to the office to work. He slept for two whole hours!
11:20 AM He still isn’t awake so I go into his room, flip on the light and he flutters his little eyes and then wakes up. After he wakes up, we head into the kitchen for lunchtime! Since he took such a long nap, he is extra hungry and ate a ton of everything I put in front of him.
- Grilled chicken thighs from this weekend (I peeled off the outside of each piece, so he didn’t get anything with grill marks.)
- Baked apples (I cut up two apples, sprinkled them with cinnamon, tossed them with coconut oil and baked them in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 350F in a foil packet.) He ate twice what was shown.
- Pureed black-eyed peas, olive oil, and tahini mixed with jarred pureed peas. (I added no-salt black-eyed peas to my food processor with olive oil and tahini, then processed till smooth. I thinned it out with jarred peas right before I gave it to him.)
Keep in mind, a ton ends up on the floor/in the high chair, but overall he is doing pretty good with meals! We went through a rough patch there where every meal was a bite followed by scream/cry, bite, scream, but we are doing better now though! I think he really wanted to feed himself!
11:45 AM Moving along, halfway through lunch, my Mom came over to visit with him. They played on the living room floor for about an hour. I could have gone to do some work, but instead, I ate lunch and hung out with them. It’s always a challenge to balance spending time with the family and working from home. It’s easy to always kind of to feel a little guilty.
For lunch, I had leftover ButcherBox flank steak from the weekend with vegan ranch and tomatoes. I also ate half a Larabar. (Note: If you still haven’t tried Butcher Box you can sign up and get free burgers (2lbs of burgers) all summer (through 10/15) using this affiliate link. )
12:45 PM Little man wants to nurse.
1:30 PM My mom LOVES horses, and since we live in an area with a ton of horses, she found a neighbor of mine who doesn’t mind if she feeds their horses carrots occasionally. Since it was overcast outside, we decided to go with her to “feed the horses.”
I kept telling him it was a horse and he kept singing e-i-e-i (he can’t do the o part lol), so at least he knows where he has heard the word horse before! It was a quick outing since it was still pretty hot and muggy out.
2:00 PM My mom leaves, and since we are both a little sweaty from being outside, I give him a mesher with frozen strawberries to cool him off.
2:15 PM we read books and play in the nursery.
2:30 PM He goes down for his nap, during his nap, I work at the computer and deal with my recipe index temporarily breaking. Website issues are the worst! I get a little hungry, so I ate a handful of siracha sunflower seeds, seriously so good!
3:45 PM He’s awake! I get him up and nurse him again.
4:00 PM Daddy is home early because he had a doctor appointment.
4:15 PM I give Little Man some steamed carrots (I cooked a little extra in the Instant Pot when I made Mr. Hungry’s lunch for this week. Mr. Hungry and I were both hungry for dinner, so I start making dinner.
I made my three-ingredient cilantro jalapeno shrimp stir fry, so easy and so delicious!
Here is the video on how to make it:
4:45 PM We sit down for dinner while babe hangs out in his MVP baby item, the Baby Bjorn Bouncer.(If you are looking for other things we love, I wrote a must-haves post for new or expectant moms so you can check that out here!)
5:15 PM We finish with dinner. Mr. Hungry plays with Baby K while I clean up in the kitchen, then I head to the office to get some work done. His mood is hit or miss in the afternoon, but Little Man was in such a good mood that I took the opportunity to get some work done.
6:15 PM Head to the living room to hang out with my two favorite guys.
6:30 PM Bedtime routine begins! Bath, books, nurse, and then Mr. Hungry tops him off with a formula bottle.
7:15 PM Little Man is down for the night. I’m hungry, so I make some toast with almond butter and banana for a snack. We finish putting the house back together and get ready for bed.
8:00 PM We watch a documentary on Netflix (I forget what it’s called, about the Fox News network) while I start this post.
9:00 PM I pump and watch Grey’s Anatomy for 20 minutes, then take my supplements and head into bed. (We finally dropped the dream feed!)
9:30 PM lights out!
That’s all she wrote!
More Day In The Life Posts:
- A Regular Day With Regular Meals (8 Months)
- Day In the Life With A 7-Month-Old
- As Routine As We Can Be (6 Months)
- A Rainy Day In the Life With A 4-Month-Old
- Day In the Life With A 3-Month-Old
Woow Kelli, thats a super routine you have written. Thanks for sharing your personal routine. Would love to try this with my boy 🙂 Thanks again.