Yesterday, my sitter had to cancel, so I ended up having a baby and me day. I wasn't planning on recording it, but then I did. My DSLR (nice camera) SD (memory) card broke, so all the photos are iPhone photos.
I felt like yesterday was a normal representation of what we do and what I eat all day long, so even though I didn't plan on it, I decided to record it for two reasons. First, because it's fun to share outings and special days, but more often days are just regular run of the mill. Second, because I felt like even though the photos weren't beautiful and my meals weren't fancy, it was a very representative of what I typically eat lately. So let's do this.
5:30 AM the baby starts making little noises on the monitor. It was a rough night of teething, so I'm not surprised he's up. The little man now has two little teeth buds! I rush to brush my teeth, put makeup on, respond to a couple of emails, and make coffee before getting Little Man out of bed.
6:00 AM I get KJ out of his bed, cuddle for a while (baby snuggles are the BEST), change his diaper, and then nurse him.
6:25 AM We get ready to take Nala on a walk. I get dressed and lather us both up with sunscreen. I do a few calf stretches and fill up my water bottle before hooking Nala up to the leash.
6:45 AM We are out the door and going on our walk. I spot the bee-hive that likely caused Nala to get stung and have an allergic reaction over the weekend. I make a mental note to walk on the other side of the street from now on.
In case you missed it on IG, here are the pics from her super scary allergic reaction:
Benadryl and a steroid shot fixed her right up, but boy was it scary! (To be clear this was over the weekend, not yesterday!)
7:20 AM We're home, and I'm starving, but I've got to feed Little Man his breakfast. I throw a slice of collagen baked oatmeal (I modified this recipe from Julie and plan to share my egg-free modification soon.)
I took the photo with a different slice later when I decided I would record this day, so it doesn't show the big spoonful of Justin's Maple Almond Butter I put on top.
While that's heating up, I make Little Man his breakfast. Lately, I've been combining half vanilla unsweetened and half vanilla sweetened So Delicious coconut yogurt, with a spoonful of fruit, this morning was prunes. I'd feed him a bite or two, then shove a bite of oatmeal in my mouth and repeat.
7:40 AM I give the little man a sweet potato teether to eat while I clean up breakfast. Then I put him in his activity station while I put away dishes.
8:00 AM We play on the ground with various toys, practice standing, scream a little during tummy time, the usual.
8:40 AM We head to the nursery, we read books, nurse, and he goes down for his nap (super easy thanks to the ABC's of Sleep).
9:00 AM I hop on my computer and get to work. I have the final edits to do for a freelance project I'm working on. While I work I listen to the unmillennial life (yes I am a millennial, but I love Regan) the fasting episodes. I 100% agree with all the information and recommendations presented in the episode, similar to the post I wrote here.
10:15 AM I'm super hungry, so I eat a Larabar and check email.
10:40 AM Little man is up, so I get him and set him in his high chair for lunch. I give him a squeeze pack that he downs in about 2.5 seconds. So then he eats a frozen mango filled mesher and more teething crackers. He plays in his high chair while I clean up from lunch.
11:30 ish AM I decide to roll the dice and see if I can get a workout in while Little Man plays in his activity center. Little Man plays happily while I stretch and through the first couple rounds of my workout. Then, about halfway through, he is done with that, so I switch him to the bouncer, where he happily bounces away while I finish my workout.
It was an upper-body workout which I'll share on Friday.
12:15 PM I slam a protein shake and a banana, my favorite post-workout combo. (Think bananas are too high in sugar? Read this post.) Then it's time to nurse little man (we aim for every 3 hours, and that's been working well for us.)
12:40 PM I put the little man in the ergo (side carry position), and we clean up the house and water the plants.
1:20 PM Back in the bouncer so I can get a quick shower in before he goes down for his nap.
1:40 PM We read books, and he is asleep within 10 minutes. I make myself lunch of one can of tuna, three tablespoons hummus, dill relish, and mustard. Side of guac and carrots. Not glamorous, but it works!
I start working on this post and checking emails.
2:05 PM Little man wakes up and begins hysterically scream crying. He often wakes up in the middle of his second nap, but he was particularly pissed this day. I wait for 10 minutes while he feels around for a binky or wubbanub. Finally, I realize they are just too far away, so I go to the nursery and put one next to him then leave. He grabs it and goes back to sleep.
3:20 PM I head into the nursery and turn on the light, so he wakes up. We try not to let him nap longer than 3 hours during the day because I don't want to get up at 4 am. When he wakes up, we nurse again. We spent a while hanging out playing on the bed playing his favorite game, stand and crawl all over mommy.
3:45 PM Surprise visit from Grandma. My mom stays and plays with him for an hour or so.
4:30 PM We give him some sourdough with peanut butter (tiny, tiny, tiny pieces), one cut up blueberry, and a banana to bite of off. As you know, when baby feeds themselves a lot of it ends up on the ground and in the high chair, so we finish off with me spoon-feeding him some oatmeal.
4:45 PM Back to playing on the ground in the living room.
5:30 PM Back to the bouncer while Mr. Hungry and I heat leftovers. I had leftover broccoli, cauliflower, chickpea pasta, and andouille chicken sausage.
6:00 PM Mr. Hungry starts the bath while I clean up dinner and the kitchen. I also grab little mans laundry out of the dryer (it's been there two days) and quickly put it away while Mr. Hungry gets him dressed for bed. Sometimes bedtime gets a little silly.
6:15 PM I nurse Little Man, then Mr. Hungry "tops him off" with a formula bottle.
6:45 PM Little man is down for the night, and I keep working on this post, then I switch to writing ahead a couple of other posts.
8:30 PM I'm still working, but I get hungry so I have about a cup of blueberries.
9:30 PM I finish up this post, go in to nurse KJ and then head to bed! The doctor did say we can drop the dream feed now since his weight is steady, but I just haven't pulled the plug yet!
That's it, the end!
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