Happy end of football Sunday and welcome to a new week. I think I am probably the only person NOT watching Breaking Bad right now, but since I was in grad school I never watched it so I have no idea what is going on. Other than having a vague sense of who Walt and Jessie are I'm clueless, so no point in watching the finale.
This morning at mass they had the most beautiful display of St. Francis the Assissi (Patron Saint of Animals and Ecology) in honor of his feast day coming up. I thought it was so pretty I just had to share it.
Anyways, today after mass Paul actually went grocery shopping with me! As much as he hates shopping, he kept me moving not wasting too much time and got some stuff he actually likes, WIN-WIN. Unfortunately I was super distracted and forgot to take a picture when we got home. Maybe it was because I was so hungry? By 10am my tummy was rumbling I just wanted everything put away so I could have some breakfast. I had a Costco Energy bar topped with wine jelly and strawberries. One side had a tiny bit of almond butter and the other had reduced fat light whipped cream cheese (purchased to accompany Paul's beloved Onion Bagels.)
I didn't do much prep this weekend because I'll be home all week studying my little behind off and can take study breaks to make food.
I did prep all the fruit we purchased from Costco and even pre made bags of grapes for Paul to grab for lunch.
In addition to this I also froze a quart size bag of grapes, which I like to have in my wine (as soon as this test is over you bet a glass of wine instead of coffee at night will be happening.) I also froze the a bag of strawberries that were the "eat now or will rot kind" those are the best for smoothies (never mind I don't really have a blender right now) or overnight oats!
However, I did make these Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies, which I HIGHLY RECOMMEND.
They are kind of more like a chocolate bread than a chewy brownie, but so so so good. I cut the pan into twelve, but I'm definitely having a hard time limiting myself to just one! Full of all natural ingredients (no added refined sugar) they are a "feel good treat" and I definitely think they are more than good enough to bring outside the home to parties or whatever. Paul and his friend ate one each with positive reviews so I think it is a success! (They are also gluten free.)
Okay let's discuss the menu for this week.
-I also prepped one more thing really quick to eat this week. I threw together Broccoli and Cheddar Mini Egg Omelets to add some veggies and protein to my mornings. Paul was a little jealous of them when he saw them I think, I guess I can share one.... ha ha or just make another batch because they were SUPER easy to make! I'm definitely thinking of making a triple batch one weekend and freezing the others too.
I threw in some of our spinach that was definitely on it's last leg too because I HATE WASTE!
- Fruit and Nut Butter Wraps are always an option of course.
- We are stocked on fruit (grapes, apples, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, pears, and apples) that can accompany cereal or an Energy Bar (like this morning.) I also love to just top fruit with almond butter and pop it in the microwave for a minute. Especially blueberries, bananas, and almond butter. Soooooo goooood. Like this....
- We are still working away at our Quinoa Mac and Cheese from last week.
- Turkey and/or Chicken Salad and Sandwiches/Wraps
- I'm so craving a really cheesy quesadilla with avocado, so I see that in my future.
- I'll also be making some more Creamy Hummus Yogurt Dip to go with veggies or on sandwiches/in wraps.
An easy meal plan this week so I can get LOTS of studying done!
Monday- Chile Verde Shrimp Bowls
Tuesday- Out
Wednesday- Salmon Salad
Thursday- Greek Yogurt Chicken
Friday- Leftovers
Saturday- Wing it
Workout Plans
Sunday- 5 Mile Run Plus Abs
Done! (PS the treadmill workout was based off of this one.) So weird this workout felt like I was running outside, easy and free. My last long run felt like I was on the treadmill with all the interval breaks. Funny how that works.
Monday- Strength Train
Tuesday- Cross Train 30 Minutes
Wednesday- Long Run (shooting for 9-10miles)
Thursday- Strength Train
Friday- Easy Run and Upper Body Strength/ABS
Saturday- REST
Sunday- Maggies Place 10K
Last week I was pretty nervous about fitting it all in. I did okay, I got all the workouts in except for Tuesday, which just meant I had two rest days which I probably needed. This week will be much better since my full time job is to study. Well, we also have a couple fun things coming up like a dress fitting and bridal shower at Paul's work! Hope everyone has a fantastic week!
Lindsay L, RD (@LeanGrnBeanBlog) says
glad you liked the brownies!
hungryhobby says
LOVED them, thanks for posting! Your recipes are phenomenal! 🙂
leannenalani says
The only thing I know about Breaking Bad is that my husband looks like Jessie. Saw the first episode and that's about it! Gotta love frozen grapes, and those brownies sound fabulous! If only I had a food processor...