Hi, friends! How was your Fourth of July? Mine was, well interesting to say the least. I took Nala to the dog park in the morning then came home and got some work done. I was super tired so I ended up taking a nap mid morning. Why was I so tired? Oh, girl, I've got so much to tell you. You won't believe the shit storm I've been through. Okay, let me back up....
So if you follow me on IG Stories you may have seen the scorpion (I call it the demon) in my closet a couple weeks back. I was so freaked out about it I started researching all about scorpions online. (Side note, this irritated the crap out of Mr. Hungry because he has been doing his research for the last year.) Up until there was one in front of my face I decided to ignore their existence. I figured I didn't know they existed in Arizona the first 26 years I lived here, why acknowledge them now? I'm REALLY good at ignoring bad things happening around me, an unfortunate or fortunate skill picked up in childhood. I just pretend it's not real, it didn't happen, or it doesn't matter. I think we call that, DENIAL. Yep, I'm really good at being in full-fledged DENIAL, damn good, I should get an award. Anyways, I found tons of horror stories online of people moving into a new home in Arizona in the area we want to move into and finding 40-50 scorpions every single night. I suggested to Mr. Hungry, maybe we just go check out the new house at night just to make sure we don't end up being one of those stories. Well, guess what, there was about 40-60 on the property!
We almost never see them inside our current house, and occasionally find 1-2 outside when we go looking for them. It was literally the horror stories I read about, and it could have been us! Now, you can get rid of scorpions but in order to do so, you would need an entire landscaping overall, scorpion sealing, and major pest control for a grand total of 7-10 grand. Nope, no thanks, I'll pass. Not to mention the pool needed another 10 grand in work. I'd rather spend that money on anything else in a house I feel safe in immediately. So we elected to break the contract and we are on the hunt for a new home. Since our home is already sold we will likely need to move in an apartment while we locate a new house. Doesn't that sound fun? I don't mind an apartment but I do mind moving TWICE. But, you know what I mind more than moving twice? Scorpion and money pit hell. I keep telling Mr. Hungry God put that scorpion in my closet to warn me. That's what I believe, you do with that what you will. (PS for you Arizonians, are realtor as been AMAZING. Any realtor that agrees to go black light scorpion hunting with you is legit, definitely look up Zach Blauvelt if you are in need of a great realtor. Once this is all over I will definitely do a full post about the experience as well.)
So fourth of July was spent researching homes, again. I also got in a workout followed by zucchini noodles with Teton Waters jalapeno cheddar brats (so good, I get them from Costco). Mr. Hungry wanted to grab Italian ice which I'm not into so I got some froyo with red, white and blue sprinkles of course! After more home hunting we grilled up some carne asada meat flank steak (steak from Butcher Box ). I photographed it too, so NEW delicious steak recipe coming soon!!!!
So that's pretty much it! We concluded the night relaxing and watching a movie which was MUCH needed! As you can tell, things are going to be very hectic and sporadic for a while thanks for hanging in there with me during the craziness! Now, tell me, how was your Fourth of July weekend?
Mary | Momma Be Fit says
Scorpions?!! Oh, heck no! And I thought snakes and lizards were bad here! I don't doubt it would take so much to scorpion-proof a house. Just like any other creature...if they want in, they'll get in.
Patrick@looneyforfood.com says
I've never seen a scorpion and never want to.I have enough spiders and mice in my house.
Susie @ Suzlyfe says
OMG I HAVE THE MOST INCREDIBLE HEEBY JEEBIES RIGHT NOW. aljgpairtjpaoijhpaijapritj no no no no nononono
Emily @ Pizza & Pull-ups says
Ugh, scorpions are awful little hell spawns! Sorry you have to move twice, but hopefully you will not have to deal with any more scorpions.
Bethany says
Cannot blame you! We are in a house my husband's work as put us in and are dealing with a bug thing right now! I hate it! Get out while you can!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Oh no! We have a few here so I understand, many that sucks!
Mattie @ Comfy Confident says
holy shit. that is a nightmare! Thank goodness you went and checked out the new home at night. It could of been wayyyyy worse. i hope you find something perfect and scorpion free soon 🙂
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
LOL my thoughts EXACTLY! thanks for commiserating!
Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious says
Hoping you find something soon girl!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thank you!
Victoria says
ESH scorpions?! We have some crazy things in Florida but definitely not scorpions...sorry for all the mess that that caused but hang in there, I am sure it will be worth it in the end!!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
Thank you!