Guess what you guys????? Today I ran the longest I've ran in months!
And I remembered why I love running so much, it's the dripping in sweat triumphant feeling that is unparalleled to anything else for me (except maybe crossfit.) The run wasn't without it's difficulties, I had some slight pain in my SI joint so I followed the run with press ups, glute bridges, and weighted bridges. I need to be doing those every day even when I don't run. Anyways, you know what happened? All felt right in the world again, I felt like a runner again, I felt accomplished, proud of myself and just all around happy. It was better than great, it was fantastic. Food just tastes better after a run doesn't it? This starbucks copy cat salted mocha smoothie sure tasted delicious!
Which I promptly poured into a portable disposable cup after taking this photo so I could drink it while Nala & I walked to the dog park. She did pretty well there, minus the jumping on humans thing.
After she was sufficiently tired I went out to do some errands which included grocery shopping at Sprouts this week.
I used the chicken chorizo to stuff acorn squash with (from last weeks Trader Joe's grocery shopping trip) and it was delicious, I'll share full recipe details soon!
Followed by a little reading of Runner's World magazine, which appropriately showed up in the mail today...
That quote really struck me as I noshed on a diet ginger ale and candy corn. I've always been one to promote eating your vegetables and treats too, but lately (August & September) I felt like I was getting really really really restrictive on food choices. I coach clients focused on weight loss daily and encourage them to make the cleanest choices possible, listen to their hunger and satiety cues, and live their lives. Meanwhile I was taking an opposite approach in my own household. I rid the house of all treats for months. I tried to live and breath the Life Time "diet" which focuses on veggies, meat, dairy (if tolerated), low carb, and no processed crap. This led to two situations... Mr. Hungry ate a lot of cookies at work and I would make ridiculous concoctions with protein powder at 11pm looking to satisfy my sweet tooth. In the last few weeks I've realized, I can eat one bowl of cereal or handful of candy corn and be happy. It works a lot better than consuming 100's of excess calories trying to make and not eat a "healthier" version. I believe a 100% that everyone deserves to have a few pieces of their favorite processed candy at halloween, their favorite slice of thanksgiving pie, and a Christmas cookie without feeling guilty. I believe food feeds the body and the soul and by recognizing when your eating which purpose your fulfilling you can maintain and lose weight easily. It's all about balance, sometimes we tip the scale one direction or the other but coming back to center is always the goal.
Have a great night! Look for todays treadmill workout, salted mocha and squash recipes coming soon!
Janelle @ Wholly Healthy says
Never heard of flax milk before - seems interesting!
Kelli Shallal MPH RD says
soo good and 1200mg of omega 3